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  • Networking with the Collinsville Chamber of Commerce

    The Collinsville Chamber of Commerce hosts monthly networking events along with the International Horseradish Festival and the Italian Fest. If you are not a member and would like to attend our events please contact Executive Director Katie Slimick.

    Please visit our Calendar for upcoming events. If you are interested in hosting an event please email director@discovercollinsville.com.

  • Featured Events

  • Collinsville Chamber of Commerce

    The Collinsville Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the International Horseradish Festival and the Italian Festival every year to the residents of Collinsville and surrounding communities. 


    To promote, support, and represent Collinsville area businesses and community interests.


    • To provide assistance and support to existing, new and expanding businesses.
    • Inform members about issues and provide a voice for business.
    • Provide assistance, support, and marketing for our educational, cultural and business organizations. 
  • Community News & Press Releases

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